home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #!/usr/bin/perl
- package Debian::DictionariesCommon;
- use base qw(Exporter);
- use Text::Iconv;
- # List all exported symbols here.
- our @EXPORT_OK = qw(parseinfo updatedb loaddb
- dico_checkroot
- dc_get_spellchecker_params
- getlibdir getsysdefault setsysdefault
- getuserdefault setuserdefault
- build_emacsen_support
- build_jed_support
- build_squirrelmail_support
- );
- # Import :all to get everything.
- our %EXPORT_TAGS = (all => [@EXPORT_OK]);
- my $infodir = "/var/lib/dictionaries-common";
- my $cachedir = "/var/cache/dictionaries-common";
- my $ispelldefault = "ispell-default";
- my $sysdefault = "/etc/dictionaries-common/$ispelldefault";
- my $userdefault = "$ENV{HOME}/.$ispelldefault";
- my $emacsensupport = "emacsen-ispell-dicts.el";
- my $jedsupport = "jed-ispell-dicts.sl";
- my $squirrelmailsupport = "sqspell.php";
- sub dico_checkroot {
- return if ($> == 0 or ($^O eq 'interix' and $> == 197108));
- die "$0: You must run this as root.\n";
- }
- sub getlibdir {
- my $class = shift;
- return "$infodir/$class";
- }
- sub mydie {
- my $routine = shift;
- my $errmsg = shift;
- die __PACKAGE__, "($routine):E: $errmsg";
- }
- sub parseinfo {
- my $file = shift;
- local $/ = ""; # IRS is global, we need 'local' here, not 'my'
- open (DICT, "< $file");
- my %dictionaries =
- map {
- s/^([^:]+):/lc ($1) . ":"/meg; # Lower case field names
- my %hash = /^([^:]+):\s*((?<!\n)[^\n]+)\s*$/mg;
- map { delete $hash{$_} if ($hash{$_} =~ /^\s+$/) } keys %hash;
- mydie ('parseinfo',
- qq{Record in file $file does not have a "Language" entry})
- if not exists $hash{language};
- mydie ('parseinfo',
- qq{Record in file $file does not have a "Hash-Name" entry})
- if not exists $hash{"hash-name"};
- my $lang = delete $hash{language};
- ($lang, \%hash);
- } <DICT>;
- return \%dictionaries;
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------
- sub dc_dumpdb {
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Save %dictionaries in Data::Dumper like format. This function
- # should be enough for the limited needs of dictionaries-common
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------
- my $class = shift;
- my $dictionaries = shift;
- my @fullarray = ();
- my @dictarray = ();
- my $output = "$cachedir/$class.db";
- my $dictentries = '';
- my $thevalue = '';
- foreach $thedict ( sort keys %{$dictionaries}){
- $dictentries = $dictionaries->{$thedict};
- @dictarray = ();
- foreach $thekey ( sort keys %{$dictentries}){
- $thevalue = $dictentries->{$thekey};
- # Make sure \ and ' are escaped in keyvals
- $thevalue =~ s/(\\|\')/\\$1/g;
- push (@dictarray," \'$thekey\' => \'$thevalue\'");
- }
- # Make sure \ and ' are escaped in dict names
- $thedict =~ s/(\\|\')/\\$1/g;
- push (@fullarray,
- " \'$thedict\' => \{\n" . join(",\n",@dictarray) . "\n \}");
- }
- mkdir $cachedir unless (-d $cachedir);
- open (DB,"> $output");
- print DB generate_comment("### ") . "\n";
- print DB "%dictionaries = (\n";
- print DB join (",\n",@fullarray);
- print DB "\n);\n\n1;\n";
- close DB;
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------
- sub dc_get_spellchecker_params {
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------
- # dc_get_spellchecker_params($class,\%language)
- # Get right params for $class (currently unused) and $language
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------
- my $class = shift;
- my $language = shift;
- my $d_option = "";
- my $w_option = "";
- my $T_option = "";
- my $ispell_args = "";
- $d_option = "-d $language->{'hash-name'}"
- if exists $language->{'hash-name'};
- $w_option = "-w $language->{'additionalchars'}"
- if exists $language->{'additionalchars'};
- if ( exists $language->{'extended-character-mode'} ){
- $T_option = $language->{'extended-character-mode'};
- $T_option =~ s/^~//; # Strip leading ~ from Extended-Character-Mode.
- $T_option = '-T ' . $T_option;
- }
- if ( exists $language->{'ispell-args'} ){
- $ispell_args = $language->{'ispell-args'};
- foreach ( split('\s+',$ispell_args) ) {
- # No d_option if already in $ispell_args
- $d_option = "" if /^\-d/;
- }
- }
- return "$d_option $w_option $T_option $ispell_args";
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------
- sub updatedb {
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Parse info files for the given class and update class database
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------
- my $class = shift;
- my %dictionaries = ();
- foreach my $file (<$infodir/$class/*>) {
- next if $file =~ m/.*~$/; # Ignore ~ backup files
- my $dicts = &parseinfo ("$file");
- %dictionaries = (%dictionaries, %$dicts);
- }
- &dc_dumpdb($class,\%dictionaries);
- }
- sub loaddb {
- my $class = shift;
- my $dbfile = "$cachedir/$class.db";
- if (-e $dbfile) {
- do $dbfile;
- }
- return \%dictionaries;
- }
- sub getdefault {
- $file = shift;
- if (-f $file) {
- my $lang = `cat $file`;
- chomp $lang;
- return $lang;
- }
- else {
- return undef;
- }
- }
- sub getuserdefault {
- getdefault ($userdefault);
- }
- sub getsysdefault {
- getdefault ($sysdefault);
- }
- sub setsysdefault {
- $value = shift;
- open (DEFAULT, "> $sysdefault");
- print DEFAULT $value;
- close DEFAULT;
- }
- sub setuserdefault {
- my $default = getuserdefault ();
- my $dictionaries = loaddb ("ispell");
- my @choices = sort keys %$dictionaries;
- if (scalar @choices == 0) {
- warn "Sorry, no ispell dictionary is installed in your system.\n";
- return;
- }
- my $initial = -1;
- if (defined $default) {
- for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar @choices; $i++) {
- if ($default eq $choices[$i]) {
- $initial = $i;
- last;
- }
- }
- }
- open (TTY, "/dev/tty");
- while (1) {
- $| = 1;
- print
- "\nSelect your personal ispell dictionary for use with ispell-wrapper\n\n";
- for ($i = 0; $i < scalar @choices; $i++) {
- print " " . ($i == $initial ? "*" : " ")
- . " [" . ($i+1) . "] $choices[$i]\n";
- }
- print qq(\nSelect number or "q" for quit)
- . ($initial != -1 ? " (* is the current default): " : ": ");
- my $sel = <TTY>;
- chomp $sel;
- last if $sel eq "q";
- if ($sel < 1 or $sel > scalar @choices) {
- print qq{\nInvalid choice "$sel".\n\n};
- next;
- }
- else {
- $sel--;
- open (DEFAULT, "> $userdefault");
- print DEFAULT $choices[$sel];
- close DEFAULT;
- last;
- }
- }
- close TTY;
- }
- sub generate_comment {
- my $commstr = shift;
- my $comment = "This file is part of the dictionaries-common package.
- It has been automatically generated.
- $comment =~ s{^}{$commstr}mg;
- return "$comment\n";
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------
- sub build_emacsen_support {
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Put info from dicts info files into emacsen-ispell-dicts.el
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------
- my $elisp = '';
- my @classes = ("aspell","hunspell","ispell");
- my %entries = ();
- my %class_locales = ();
- foreach $class ( @classes ){
- my $dictionaries = loaddb ($class);
- foreach $k (keys %$dictionaries) {
- my $lang = $dictionaries->{$k};
- next if (exists $lang->{'emacs-display'}
- && $lang->{'emacs-display'} eq "no");
- my $hashname = $lang->{"hash-name"};
- my $casechars = exists $lang->{casechars} ?
- $lang->{casechars} : "[a-zA-Z]";
- my $notcasechars = exists $lang->{"not-casechars"} ?
- $lang->{"not-casechars"} : "[^a-zA-Z]";
- my $otherchars = exists $lang->{otherchars} ?
- $lang->{otherchars} : "[']";
- my $manyothercharsp = exists $lang->{"many-otherchars"} ?
- ($lang->{"many-otherchars"} eq "yes" ? "t" : "nil") : "nil";
- my $ispellargs = exists $lang->{"ispell-args"} ?
- $lang->{"ispell-args"} : "-d $hashname";
- my $extendedcharactermode = exists $lang->{"extended-character-mode"} ?
- ('"' . $lang->{"extended-character-mode"} . '"') : "nil";
- my $codingsystem = exists $lang->{"coding-system"} ?
- $lang->{"coding-system"} : "nil";
- my $emacsenname = exists $lang->{"emacsen-name"} ?
- $lang->{"emacsen-name"} : $hashname;
- # Explicitly add " -d $hashname" to $ispellargs if not already there.
- # Note that this must check for "-dxx", "-d xx", "-C -d xx", "-C -dxx" like matches
- if ( $ispellargs !~ m/( |^)-d/ ){
- print STDERR " - $class-emacsen: Adding \" -d $hashname\" to \"$ispellargs\"\n"
- if defined $ENV{'DICT_COMMON_DEBUG'};
- $ispellargs .= " -d $hashname";
- }
- $entries{$class}{$emacsenname} = $entries{'all'}{$emacsenname} =
- ['"' . $emacsenname . '"',
- '"' . $casechars . '"',
- '"' . $notcasechars . '"',
- '"' . $otherchars . '"',
- $manyothercharsp,
- '("' . join ('" "', split (/\s+/,$ispellargs)) . '")',
- $extendedcharactermode,
- $codingsystem];
- if ( $class eq "aspell" && exists $lang->{"aspell-locales"} ){
- foreach ( split(/\s*,\s*/,$lang->{"aspell-locales"}) ){
- $class_locales{"aspell"}{$_} = $emacsenname;
- }
- } elsif ( $class eq "hunspell" && exists $lang->{"hunspell-locales"} ){
- foreach ( split(/\s*,\s*/,$lang->{"hunspell-locales"}) ){
- $class_locales{"hunspell"}{$_} = $emacsenname;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- # Write alists of ispell, hunspell and aspell only installed dicts and their properties
- foreach $class ( @classes ) {
- my @class_dicts = reverse sort keys %{ $entries{$class} };
- if ( scalar @class_dicts ){
- $elisp .= "\n;; Adding $class dicts\n\n";
- foreach ( @class_dicts ){
- my $mystring = join ("\n ",@{ $entries{$class}{$_} });
- $elisp .= "(add-to-list \'debian-$class-only-dictionary-alist\n \'($mystring))\n";
- }
- $elisp .= "\n";
- }
- }
- # Write a list of locales associated to each emacsen name
- foreach my $class ("aspell", "hunspell"){
- my $tmp_locales = $class_locales{$class};
- if ( defined $tmp_locales && scalar %$tmp_locales ){
- $elisp .= "\n\n;; An alist that will try to map $class locales to emacsen names";
- $elisp .= "\n\n(setq debian-$class-equivs-alist \'(\n";
- foreach ( sort keys %$tmp_locales ){
- $elisp .= " (\"$_\" \"$tmp_locales->{$_}\")\n";
- }
- $elisp .= "))\n";
- # Obtain here debian-aspell-dictionary, after debian-aspell-equivs-alist
- # is loaded
- $elisp .="
- ;; Get default value for debian-$class-dictionary. Will be used if
- ;; spellchecker is $class and ispell-local-dictionary is not set.
- ;; We need to get it here, after debian-$class-equivs-alist is loaded
- (setq debian-$class-dictionary (debian-ispell-get-$class-default))\n\n";
- } else {
- $elisp .= "\n\n;; No emacsen-$class-equivs entries were found\n";
- }}
- open (ELISP, "> $cachedir/$emacsensupport")
- or die "Cannot open emacsen cache file";
- print ELISP generate_comment (";;; ");
- print ELISP $elisp;
- close ELISP;
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------
- sub build_jed_support {
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Put info from dicts info files into jed-ispell-dicts.sl
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------
- my @classes = ("aspell","ispell");
- my $slang = generate_comment ("%%% ");
- ## The S-Lang code generated below will be wrapped in preprocessor
- ## ifexists constructs, insuring that the $jedsupport file will
- ## always evaluate correctly.
- foreach $class ( @classes ){
- my %class_slang = ();
- my %class_slang_u8 = ();
- if ( my $dictionaries = loaddb ($class) ){
- foreach $k (sort keys %$dictionaries) {
- my $lang = $dictionaries->{$k};
- next if (exists $lang->{'jed-display'}
- && $lang->{'jed-display'} eq "no");
- my $hashname = $lang->{"hash-name"};
- my $additionalchars = exists $lang->{additionalchars} ?
- $lang->{additionalchars} : "";
- my $otherchars = exists $lang->{otherchars} ?
- $lang->{otherchars} : "'";
- my $emacsenname = exists $lang->{"emacsen-name"} ?
- $lang->{"emacsen-name"} : $hashname;
- my $extendedcharmode = exists $lang->{"extended-character-mode"} ?
- $lang->{"extended-character-mode"} : "";
- my $ispellargs = exists $lang->{"ispell-args"} ?
- $lang->{"ispell-args"} : "";
- my $codingsystem = exists $lang->{"coding-system"} ?
- $lang->{"coding-system"} : "l1";
- # Strip enclosing [] from $otherchars
- $otherchars =~ s/^\[//;
- $otherchars =~ s/\]$//;
- # Convert chars in octal \xxx representation to the character
- $otherchars =~ s/\\([0-3][0-7][0-7])/chr(oct($1))/ge;
- $additionalchars =~ s/\\([0-3][0-7][0-7])/chr(oct($1))/ge;
- $class_slang{$emacsenname} =
- " $class" . "_add_dictionary (\n"
- . " \"$emacsenname\",\n"
- . " \"$hashname\",\n"
- . " \"$additionalchars\",\n"
- . " \"$otherchars\",\n"
- . ($class eq "ispell" ? " \"$extendedcharmode\",\n" : "")
- . " \"$ispellargs\");";
- if ( $class eq "aspell" ){
- my $converter = Text::Iconv->new ($codingsystem, "utf8");
- my $additionalchars_utf = $converter->convert ($additionalchars);
- my $otherchars_utf = $converter->convert ($otherchars);
- $class_slang_u8{$emacsenname} =
- qq{ aspell_add_dictionary (
- "$emacsenname",
- "$hashname",
- "$additionalchars_utf",
- "$otherchars_utf",
- "$ispellargs");};
- } # if $class ..
- } # foreach $k ..
- } # if loaddb ..
- if ( scalar keys %class_slang ){
- $slang .= "\n\#ifexists $class" . "_add_dictionary\n";
- if ( $class eq "aspell" ){
- $slang .= " if (_slang_utf8_ok) {\n"
- . join("\n",sort values %class_slang_u8)
- . "\n } else {\n"
- . join("\n",sort values %class_slang)
- . "\n }";
- } else {
- $slang .= join("\n",sort values %class_slang);
- }
- $slang .= "\n\#endif\n";
- }
- } # foreach $class
- open (SLANG, "> $cachedir/$jedsupport")
- or die "Cannot open jed cache file";
- print SLANG $slang;
- close SLANG;
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------
- sub build_squirrelmail_support {
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Build support file for squirrelmail with a list of available
- # dictionaries and associated spellchecker calls, in php format.
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------
- my @classes = ("aspell","ispell","hunspell");
- my $php = "<?php\n";
- my @dictlist = ();
- $php .= generate_comment ("### ");
- $php .= "\$SQSPELL_APP = array (\n";
- foreach my $class (@classes) {
- my $dictionaries = loaddb ($class);
- foreach ( keys %$dictionaries ){
- next if m/.*[^a-z]tex[^a-z]/i; # Discard tex variants
- my $lang = $dictionaries->{$_};
- my $squirrelname;
- if ( defined $lang->{"squirrelmail"} ){
- next if ( lc($lang->{"squirrelmail"}) eq "no" );
- $squirrelname = $lang->{"squirrelmail"};
- } else {
- next unless m/^(.*)\((.+)\)$/;
- $squirrelname = $2;
- }
- my $spellchecker_params =
- &dc_get_spellchecker_params($class,$lang);
- push @dictlist, qq { '$squirrelname ($class)' => '$class -a $spellchecker_params'};
- }
- }
- $php .= join(",\n", sort @dictlist);
- $php .= "\n);\n";
- open (PHP, "> $cachedir/$squirrelmailsupport")
- or die "Cannot open SquirrelMail cache file";
- print PHP $php;
- close PHP;
- }
- # Ensure we evaluate to true.
- 1;
- __END__
- #Local Variables:
- #perl-indent-level: 2
- #End:
- =head1 NAME
- Debian::DictionariesCommon.pm - dictionaries-common library
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
- use Debian::DictionariesCommon q(:all)
- $dictionaries = parseinfo ('/var/lib/dictionaries-common/ispell/iwolof');
- loaddb ('ispell')
- updatedb ('wordlist')
- Common functions for use from the dictionaries-common system.
- =over
- =item C<dico_checkroot>
- Check for rootness and fail if not.
- =item C<build_emacsen_support>
- Put info from dicts info files into emacsen-ispell-dicts.el
- =item C<build_jed_support>
- Put info from dicts info files into jed-ispell-dicts.sl
- =item C<build_squirrelmail_support>
- Build support file for squirrelmail with a list of available
- dictionaries and associated spellchecker calls, in php format.
- =item C<$libdir = getlibdir($class)>
- Return info dir for given class.
- =item C<$default = getsysdefault>
- Return value for system default ispell dictionary.
- =item C<$libdir = getuserdefault>
- Return value for user default ispell dictionary.
- =item C<dc_get_spellchecker_params($class,\%language)>
- Get right params for $class (currently unused) and $language
- =item C<\%dictionaries = loaddb($class)>
- Read class .db file and return a reference to a hash
- with its contents.
- =item C<\%result = parseinfo($file)>
- Parse given info file and return a reference to a hash with
- the relevant data.
- =item C<setsysdefault($value)>
- Set value for system default ispell dictionary.
- =item C<setuserdefault>
- Set value for user default ispell dictionary, after asking
- to select it from the available values.
- =item C<updatedb($class)>
- Parse info files for given class and update class .db
- file under dictionaries-common cache dir.
- =back
- =head1 SEE ALSO
- Debian dictionaries-common policy.
- =head1 AUTHORS
- Rafael Laboissiere
- Agustin Martin
- =cut